Welcome to the JPII Cafeteria website! On this site parents will be able to place lunch orders for their children.
This hot lunch program is for the Cafeteria at
St. John Paul II CollegiateinOkotoks, AB
April pre-orders are now closed.
• Payment - By e-transfer tojpiicafe@gmail.com (this is an automatic deposit) or by cash or cheque (payable to JPII Cafeteria) handed in to the school office or the cafeteria (during regular lunch hour times).
• Refund or replace a pre-ordered lunch - unfortunately, we are unable to refund or replace a pre-ordered lunch if it is missed for any reason.
Alternatively, feel free to come in and pick it up or arrange for a sibling or friend to get it.
Notify us by 11:00am either by email (jpiicafe@gmail.com) or call the school to let us know you are picking it up. If a sibling or friend is picking up, they can show us a note or text from you.
• Any unclaimed lunch at the end of the lunch hour will be donated to the schools community food program.
• PLEASE NOTE:If you have an order in our system after the order closing deadline, it will be placed with the vendor and you will be responsible for payment.Please ensure you clear any unwanted orders prior to the closing deadline.
If you have any questions or concerns, you can email me at jpiicafe@gmail.com
Thank you for supporting the JPII Cafeteria!
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